How to Tell if You Need New Tires in NH

Posted on May 14, 2014

After the rough winter we just went through, there’s a good chance that your vehicle’s tires took a real beating. Driving in snow, rain, and ice do a great deal of damage to your vehicle’s tires. They can lose traction from being exposed to harsh driving conditions and can even be severely damaged during the winter months. So now that the spring season is in the air, it’s a good time to know if you need new tires in NH.

At Gurney’s Automotive, we know that the best judges of our success are our customers so we always strive to provide them with any industry related knowledge or vehicle maintenance tips that can benefit them and their vehicles. We make shopping for tires in NH an incredibly easy and affordable undertaking. We currently have significant money saving deals available on a wide array of different tires. Simply by clicking here, you can shop for tires by vehicle make and model, as well as by tire size and brand. Here you can also check out the sales we’re currently offering.

The Penny Test


If you’re wondering whether or not you need new tires in NH, there’s a simple, “Penny Test,” that you can perform on your vehicle’s tires that will make it easier to find out. The Penny Test allows you to check your tires’ tread depth in order to make sure that they’re performing at their best. You simply take a common penny and, with Lincoln’s head turned upside down, place it between your tire’s tread blocks. If you’re unable to see the top of Lincoln’s head and it is “buried” between the tread blocks, this means that you still have more than 2/32 of an inch tread remaining and your tires are in decent shape.

However, if you can still see the top of Lincoln’s head, then it is time to get new tires in NH. This means that your tread depth is simply not deep enough and that your vehicle won’t perform at its best and safest. Performing this Penny Test is a simple and effective way of telling how worn your tires really are. Try it for yourself and remember that Gurney’s Automotive makes shopping for new tires an easy and affordable way to ensure your vehicle’s safety.

If you’re interested in new tires in NH, contact us at:

Nashua: 603-886-5800
Milford: 603-886-5800

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