Oil Change Wilton

When was your last oil change in Wilton? If you can’t remember, it might be time! Your car needs regular oil change service to ensure the engine runs properly.

Oil Change for Wilton Drivers

Oil is circulated through the engine, helping to lubricate the incredibly hot firing engine (the combustion is what makes your car “go”) and decrease the friction between different metal components. Over time, the engine picks up environmental debris from the engine. The oil becomes more contaminated and sludge-like, which decreases its ability to run smoothly through the engine. It can cause the engine to sputter, overheat, or even fail if the engine is running completely “dry”. That’s why it’s important to make sure you check your oil levels and never run low as well as bring your car in for regular oil changes.

How Often Should I get Oil Change Service?

While every car has an owner’s manual with recommendations, a good rule of thumb is to get oil change service every 3,000 miles for older cars and every 5000 to 7000 miles for newer vehicles. Newer vehicles can go longer between oil changes due to more efficient and refined engine builds that allow for less oil usage. The most important thing to remember is that your car needs a regular oil change in Wilton or wherever you are  – don’t risk engine failure! At Gurney’s Automotive Repair, every 5th Oil Change is free.

Getting your car an oil change service is one of the most basic, and arguably most important, car maintenance tasks. However, there are other maintenance services that are required for a vehicle that is safe and driving well. Brake service, spark plug replacement, timing belt replacement, and transmission fluid flushes are all important. When you come into Gurney’s Automotive Center, we can help you create a maintenance plan that works for you and your car, which will decrease the chance of your vehicle breaking down and costly repairs. Come into our Milford, NH auto shop today!

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